Hello beloved and Shalom to you all.

 The events of the last few weeks are startling. The catastrophic Earthquake and following Tsunami gave us all unprecedented  insight  into  what will unfold in the days and years ahead on planet Earth.

Matthew 24 forewarns us of these days to come. Such things as have never been seen on the planet in all of history will eventually unravel  in the midst of all  sinful and rebellious mankind.

But what about the Believers in Yeshua? What will be our fate? How will we be able to stand during these days?

To be sure the Holy Spirit of Yahweh will guide us through all things.  But what can we do to help ourselves, even today?

We are in training already. We have all the provisions necessary to live  this redeemed  lifestyle in Obedience to Abba, our  Heavenly Father. Why don't more Believers take a hold of these provisions?

The answer is so very simple it will astound you!

Many Believers just do not know or understand their inheritance. Many Believers do not understand their part  in the Commonwealth that is Israel.

The most horrifying reality is that perhaps  99% of all Christians  have no idea what the terms of their own inheritance are.

This inheritance I speak of is the Renewed Covenant brought into action by the Blood of Yeshua. The Brit Ha Dashah.

Most Christians would be unable to even help you to scource the documentation of this "Christian" New Covenant.

It is actually Yeshua's Last Will and Testament given to us after His death on the Cross.

Because Yeshua rose again He now becomes the administrator of this same Covenant or Testament of Inheritance.

And it gets better. Often with the case of Wills and Inheritances we pay a Solicitor to unravel the terms and the legal speak of such Covenants.

However our Solicitor , who is Jewish by the way, administrates this eternal inheritance for free on a minute by minute basis 24/7, all year long.

Are you beginning to understand how precious our Covenant is, our inheritance is. Do you now see how we are involved with and eternally linked in and locked in with Israel and it's Common ,,,,,,,,,wealth, The Covenants of Promise?

Hebrew chapter 8:8-10. Read it and be revived. Be excited. Be responsible with all that Yahweh has given you.

Increase it by showing yourself approved, by studying the Scriptures. Understand the promises given you. The provisions given you. 

Understand Yahweh's obligations to you under the terms of the New or Renewed Covenant and in turn understand your own obligations to your Heavenly Father in Yeshua by His Holy Spirit, The Ruach HaKodesh.

Cross reference Hebrews 8:8-10 with Jeremiah 31:31-37 and Ezzekiel 36:24-38.

Too many Christians are trying to live a Renewed Covenant  with an old heart.

Brother, sister and friends, get a new heart for the life you should live under the Renewed Covenant.

The Covenant is not really New but rather Renewed.

And this should be the state of our hearts. Renewed with a fresh and bold way of entering the very Throne Room of Yahweh.

We have a mission to complete. We have a purpose and a destiny in Christ. 

Okay everyone, let's move out. We have very important work to do.

Until next time.

Yours in Yeshua, Ray